A Distinct Alternative to the Usual Communications relationship

David R. Fluhrer, communications advisor to well over a dozen chief executives and longtime content developer, has been delivering public, investor and government relations results to large and small institutions for nearly four decades. With experience, wisdom and value, he offers a distinct and effective alternative to the typical unproductive communications relationship that so many organizations experience.
Over the years, he has met with too many CEOs or CFOs struggling to attract communications executives or agencies able to maximize limited company resources, deliver on their promises and produce results representing a strong return on investment. "Many public relations executives are not delivering the product that the customer wants . . . ," a well-known executive recruiter has said. "On any given day, at least one-third of all CEOs are seriously considering dismissing their top communications executive because of a real or perceived failure to perform."
Over the years, he has met with too many CEOs or CFOs struggling to attract communications executives or agencies able to maximize limited company resources, deliver on their promises and produce results representing a strong return on investment. "Many public relations executives are not delivering the product that the customer wants . . . ," a well-known executive recruiter has said. "On any given day, at least one-third of all CEOs are seriously considering dismissing their top communications executive because of a real or perceived failure to perform."
David Fluhrer performs. He has helped a large number of organizations to enhance or reverse their reputations -- externally and internally -- through a keen understanding of each business, the delivery of personalized service with 24/7 availability and a value proposition that large agencies and many other communications executives simply can't match. Here's what some senior executives have had to say about him:
"We love your work. We could not have grown without you."
-- Automotive restoration company chief executive
"The article about me in The New York Times last week was certainly the best publicity I have ever received . . . "
-- Fortune 500 chief executive
"David is the consummate public relations and investor relations professional."
-- PR agency head
In the following pages, learn more about David and what he can do for you and your business.